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how to web design for accessibility and visual impairment visualfizz web design agency
How To Design Websites For Accessibility Needs
There are many pitfalls and oversights website designs can fall victim to — everything from hazy...
Ultimate Guide to Marketing and Branding in the Pet Industry
The Ultimate Guide to Pet Branding and Marketing
How to use Branding to Grow Your Pet Industry Audience People are OBSESSED with their...
digital marketing tips for construction, industrial, real estate, and building
VisualFizz’s Best Marketing Advice for Industrial and Construction Brands
Marketing Tips for Brands that Build It’s 2020, and while we may not have the...
growth of offline experiences in marketing visualfizz
The Growth of Offline Marketing Experiences
Before we discuss the ins and outs of offline marketing tactics and why they are...
four types of copywriting and content writing visualfizz chicago
Four Types of Copywriting for Marketing and Branding
Copywriting makes a large part of the advertising and marketing strategies that companies are now...
googles BERT updates what you should know for seo
How to Optimize for Google’s BERT Algorithm Update
Who isn’t a fan of the Muppets? In this scene, Ernie presents a scenario to...
history of web design visualfizz chicago
The History of Web Design: A Timeline
While many of us still remember a time before the World Wide Web entered our...
manual vs automatic bidding ppc strategies ppc agency chicago
Automatic/Smart Bidding vs Manual Bidding Strategies in PPC
If you work in SEM, you’ve undoubtedly noticed the increase in machine learning systems introduced...
visualfizz digital marketing pantone color of the year branding
5 Ways to Incorporate Pantone’s “Living Coral” Into Your Branding
Each year since 2000, the Pantone Color Institute decides on a “Color of the Year.”...
visualfizz digital marketing growth series full house ross petersen
Recap of VisualFizz Growth Series – Scaling Your Startup and Getting Acquired
At an event titled Scaling Your Business & Getting Acquired (Twice!), it was surprising and...
branding strategies for real estate brands and agents visualfizz
Branding Strategies for Real Estate
  Real estate is big business anywhere in the United States, and especially in major...
Branding Strategies for Health and Wellness Brands
The health and wellness industry is worth trillions, which means there’s an ample piece of...
