Kevin is a former collegiate athlete and entrepreneur with a diverse background including futures trading at the Chicago Board of Trade, founding a myriad of startups, and working in a global finance role at a publicly traded company. Kevin adds significant value in various leadership roles through leveraging the skillsets acquired during his career; combining the agility, innovation, and passion from startups with the discipline, lean processes, and management skills of a corporate setting. Founded Calibrate after identifying the need for cost effective and well designed/intuitive mobile apps, websites, and custom technology for startups, SMB’s, and enterprise organizations. Sean is a UI/UX designer by trade and entrepreneur at heart. He helps others' ideas become reality in the most visually stunning way possible by crafting the UX and assisting with software implementation for a myriad of different companies ranging from startups to enterprise clients. Clients include: real estate startup mobile app, healthcare enterprise mobile app, Enterprise web-based GUI’s/dashboards, and much more. Over the course of his career Sean has been head of design at several startups some of which resulted in an acquisition. These companies include: Bolstr, Tally, and a startup that was in the world renowned incubator, Y Combinator. Calibrate designs and builds websites, dashboards, mobile apps, and enterprise tools in a cost effective and scalable manner. We have a myriad of clients across a broad array of sectors, including: startups, healthcare, private equity, logistics, cyber security, and more. We use our decades of experience as developers and entrepreneurs to provide strategic insight to our clients.
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